Chinese Dance
Ms Eunice Bor (Main in-charge)
Mdm Leong Lai Lan
CCA Leaders:
Leaders - Liao Siyu Sophia (5 Steadfastness), Skylar Ma Shu Shu (5 Empathy)
Assistant Leaders - Eilles Chan Yee Jing (4 Integrity), Claire Goh Yue Lei (4 Steadfastness)
The Chinese Dance group aims to develop our students into:
passionate learners who understand and appreciate the Chinese dance better;
responsible team players who are committed to the team and are good support to the team;
respectful leaders who are polite and considerate;
confident individuals who are able to showcase their best during performances;
steadfast achievers who persevere and not give up easily when faced with challenges
empathetic persons who understand and care for others
Besides the usual dance practices during CCA periods, we provide different learning opportunities for our students to hone their skills in the Chinese dance and be cultivated into individuals who can shine in their own special ways.
Participation in the Chinese Dance Camp:

Participation in concerts and SYF presentations:

Achievements for past 3 years:
· 2024: Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation – Certificate of Accomplishment
· 2022: Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation
· 2019: National Day Celebrations of Tampines East CC