In Chongzheng Primary, we believe that every student has the potential to lead and be a leader. Through LEADvolution, students are provided with opportunities daily to experience leadership.
Philosophy of LEADvolution
LEADvolution is about discovery oneself through reflection in one’s leadership journey. As Kouzes & Posner (2017) shared, “Leadership development is not an event – it’s an ongoing process.” In Chongzheng, LEADvolution allows students to:

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership in Chongzheng Primary School & Desired Outcomes of a Student Leader
To allow students understand what or who is an exemplary leader, Chongzheng anchors leadership development based on The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by Kouzes & Posner. Through The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, students are developed in 10 Exemplary Behaviours to demonstrate an exemplary leader of Chongzheng.

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The associated icons are copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

In 2023, our student leadership framework was refined to align to The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. To prepare our students to be future-ready, at the centre of the framework is the 21st Century Competencies & Future Ready Skills (MOE, 2022). Anchored by Kouzes and Posner’s The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, the deployment of the 3 E’s Approach (Experience, Engage and Empower) will drive the acquisition of leadership competencies. The Starfish is a symbol for every student to resonate with Chongzheng.
Guided by the principle of ‘Self’, ‘Team’ and ‘Thought’ leadership (MOE Co-Curriculum), we differentiate the approach in leadership development in school. The three colours also represent the Tiered approach the school adopted.
Developing our Chongzheng students to be exemplary leaders with the heart to serve
The school aims to develop a culture of leadership through (1) 3 Es approach and (2) encouraging staff to role model for the students using the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership through their daily interactions with the students and daily opportunities in class to be leaders.
The 3 Es Approach is a spiral progression of leadership development in Chongzheng Primary. Students are also encouraged to reflect through the use of 3-Leadership Questions. In alignment with the Ministry’s Student Leadership framework, the school mapped the 3 Es as follows:

Tier 1 Leadership: Everyday Leadership
The school believes every student has the potential to be a leader, students are given opportunities daily to showcase their leadership potential in class through various experiences like group work, duty roster and school-wide platforms like Project Work.
Tier 2 Leadership: Specialized Leadership
Based on the student’s potential and conduct, teachers will nominate students for specialized leadership positions in classes, where these specialized student leaders will be offered greater exposure from various departments in addition to class duties.
Tier 3 Leadership: Talent Development
Students with good conduct and outstanding leadership potential are offered opportunity to take up the role of a prefect or CCA leader, where they serve the school community in greater depth.
Leadership Pathway & Opportunities

Chongzheng Primary School Prefectorial Board
VISION: Every CZ Prefect a Confident Service Leader & Steadfast Decision Maker MISSION: To develop every Chongzheng Prefect to be an Exemplary Leader & Role Model for Self, Others and School
Chongzheng Primary School Prefect Identity

To find out the opportunities and programmes for the prefects, do visit the website:
For prefects, please refer to the website for duty roster, schedule as well as photos for our activities!