Digital Media
Teachers In Charge:
Mr Ahmad (Main-in-charge)
Mdm Nurhiza
Mr Izzat
Ms Emlyn
CCA Leaders:
Chairman - Imran Bin Muhammad Firdaus (5ST)
Chairman - Lowe Tang Yu Lok(Deng Yule) (5ST)
Vice Chairman - Derrick Loo(4EM)
Vice Chairman - Khong San Koil (4EM)
The main aim of Digital Media is to excite students by exposing them to various ICT tools and experience. Digital Media members participate in weekly workshops to learn various software and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. These include animation, photography and video editing skills. In addition, they learn proper handling of audio visual equipment as well as research skills. Members have also recently embarked on basic coding where they have learnt to create interesting computer games and mobile apps, and also robotics.
Pupils who show potential will represent the school to participate in competitions at national level, such as the annual Schools Digital Media Awards (SDMA), National Schools Photography Competition and many more.
Artificial Intelligence Festival@Yu Neng Primary School (2nd Runner up)

RoboRoarZ International 2024 Competition@SUTD (1st Placing)

North Zone Hackathon @Montfort Primary School ( Won 3 out of 5 categories)