Ms Lee Mong Lan (Main-in-charge)
Mdam Maznah Yusak
Ms Noor Haida MJ

Description :
The Chongzheng choir is made up of members from Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils. Choir practices are conducted on Tuesdays during curriculum time from 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. During these practices, members are taught proper vocal techniques as well as performing skills. They are introduced to sight-reading and exposed to singing songs in 2 or more parts. The choir participates in the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation (SYF AP) (Primary) once every two years.
Our Achievements :
2024: Awarded Distinction at SYF 2024 Choir Arts Presentation
2022: Performed at SYF 2022 Choir Arts Presentation (non-benchmarked)
2019: Awarded Distinction in the ABRSM (Choral) examination